Most Japanese meals are centered around rice, which is high in sugar and carbs.
And Japanese women love sweets like chocolate, candy, cake, and baked goods.
But, surprisingly, new research shows their slim bodies are NOT the result of their genes -- but from a nutrient they eat which Harvard University** confirms works.
Now ANY WOMAN - regardless of race - can use this natural Japanese Secret to lose weight faster and easier, plus keep it off with no crazy diet or exercise.
My dramatic personal story reveals this secret of how this will get you slim and trim and keep your weight off:
“I’m not pregnant!”
I said, wanting to crawl into a hole and die from embarrassment at how fat I’d gotten.
I was so embarrassed and humiliated when this happened to me in a grocery store line…
I just wanted to curl up into a ball and die!
I was devastated.
It really stung.
My heart sank.
I wished I was invisible.
I got an instant knot in my stomach, a crushing headache, and my whole body was overcome with sadness.
I told this woman I had a bad bloating problem and I had a doctor’s appointment for it.
But the real problem was, I was 5’4 and weighed 194 pounds.
I went home and cried as I ate Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, my own pity party.
I wondered how this could have happened to me...
I went on every diet I heard about...
Keto, Paleo, carb-cycling, Mediterranean, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, high fat, intermittent fasting, juice diet, spin classes, hit fitness...
And I’m sure there are a few more I’m just not remembering now.
On some of these diets, I would lose weight at first, but it was so hard to stick to.
Or I would just plateau and stop losing weight.... and then I’d gain all the weight back.
That day a woman thought I was pregnant was terrible...
But it led me to discover a japanese secret that burned 76 pounds of fat off me with NO crazy diet or exercise program...
And it will get the fat off YOU TOO because it works in a very different sort of way.
Do you ever feel this way too?
I felt terrible about myself. I felt low and ashamed of who i was because of my weight.
I was sick and tired of trying to hide my secret life of binge-eating.
This binge-eating made me go to the Kroger supermarket 14 miles away from my home to buy fattening “goodies” like Oreos cookies, Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, cassata cake, Krispy Kreme Donuts, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies.
So that my local neighbors and friends wouldn’t see me buying these fattening foods in our local supermarket.
I knew other ladies were talking about my weight behind my back. It just drove me crazy wondering what they were saying about me.
My husband’s best buddies had wives who were slim.
When we went out to dinner together as couples...
These wives could wear sexy “thin outfits” and I had to wear big black pants and blouses to hide my rows of ugly fat and cellulite on my legs.
There were also slim ladies at the office where my husband worked, so this made me insecure.
But most of all...
I hated the look of disappointment in the eyes of my supportive husband Roger when I failed on yet another weight loss program or diet.
I felt like a knife had just been dug into my heart. And he deserved a sexier me.
I wanted the old romance back that we used to have, instead of feeling invisible.
I was at my wit’s end. I thought I’d be fat forever.
Then one day I got very lucky…
I don’t know if it was a miracle, divine intervention or God’s Plan, but I’m now thankful this woman asked me when I was due when I wasn’t even pregnant.
And it made my husband Roger proud of me again.
He now looks at me like when we were dating and our marriage is 10 times better...
And I am 10 times happier and my energy level and blood sugar and moods are much better also.
This shocking Japanese secret may be the most important discovery for natural weight loss ever made.
It’s so revolutionary, it's shaking the very foundation of the diet industry to its core.
Here’s why: it makes ANY woman over age 35 lose all their unwanted weight WITHOUT all the restrictions that were necessary to lose weight before now…
And that means:
Even better – this new and exciting discovery starts to work the first day, melts off your ugly fat quickly, is completely natural, safe, has no side effects and is actually guaranteed to work for you.
Unless you fix this root underlying real cause of your weight gain...
You will NOT lose weight and keep it off no matter how hard you diet or exercise, so turn off your phone and pay close attention.
Dr. Beth Westie* * * confirms this discovery helps overcome the #1 most overlooked reason why women don’t lose weight and keep it off.
And this will really surprise you because it flies in the face of what you’ve been told before, yet I’ll show you the proof from Harvard University**.
Janice Barstow, 52, said,
I was a frustrated yo-yo dieter all my life. I didn’t think anything would let me eat like I loved to and still lose weight.
But I finally found the answer with this ancient secret. I quite easily lost 54 pounds and kept it off without making myself miserable on a diet.
Rebecca Tomlinson, 39, told me,
If anyone should have given up on losing weight it was me. I was the world’s biggest diet failure. My doctor told me point blank, ‘Lose 100 pounds or you will be dead within a few years!’
I had terrible genetics as my parents and grandparents were all obese. I tried and tried but couldn't succeed. Then finally my doctor liked this ancient Japanese breakthrough so I ordered it and it has been my Godsend!
I’ve lost 78.4 pounds and counting and the fat keeps coming off. I finally look forward to stepping on the scale.
And Mary Lynn Ambrocia, 47, raves,
I didn't think anything would truly work for me, but this did. You see, I’ve been overweight all my life starting at age 13. It’s been very difficult, but now I am finally slim and feeling great about life thanks to this discovery.
God bless you. Last week my new boyfriend said I had a hot bikini body. I was so excited because I had never heard anything like that before.
About a year ago, after this humiliating incident happened to me, I was really down in the dumps about my weight.
So my sweetheart husband Roger booked a little getaway vacation for us.
He wanted to try and cheer me up.
On this getaway trip, we were standing outside the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa...
We were watching the famous tightrope walker Nik Wallenda walk between two tall buildings...
It was an incredible, nerve-wracking sight to see this man defying death standing on a 1-inch tightrope 135 feet above concrete pavement if he fell.
I was taking pictures of this…
When I accidentally bumped into the woman next to me, who was also taking pictures...
And I almost knocked the expensive-looking camera out of her hands and onto the ground!
I felt so bad. I apologized up and down at my clumsy mistake.
But instead of being mad at me, this woman was sweet and kind and told me not to worry about it.
I actually started to cry...
I thanked her for being kind about it because people were often mean to a heavy person like me.
I could tell she felt my pain when I said this.
She said she often felt that way too when she was overweight not long ago.
As fate would have it...
We ran into this sweet woman again the next day at breakfast at our casino hotel and chatted a little.
It stuck in my head what she said about how she used to be overweight, so I somehow snuck that into the conversation...
Hoping maybe she would have an answer for me.
She met a natural healing doctor there in Setagaya, Japan, who told her about an ancient natural secret.
It led her to rapidly lose all her unwanted fat, and she’s kept it off ever since.
The secret has worked for over 2,000 years for millions of Japanese women.
It’s the reason why most Japanese women are so famously thin and trim, even though they eat tons of carbs.
And now it has been proven by studies published by Harvard University Medical School* *1.
I felt skeptical, so I asked her to please tell me more.
We sat down over coffee and what she told me next really blew my mind.
You see, this will be the answer to your weight loss prayers too.
Because it will soon make you slimmer and toner and sexier....
She told me that many female doctors who were real weight loss experts for women confirmed this Japanese Secret works.
Dr. Beth Westie* * * , an international weight loss expert, said the reason women over age 35 can’t lose weight today is really simple.
“The biggest piece of the weight loss puzzle most
so-called experts leave out of losing weight is the root cause which is female physiology – in other words, your female hormones.”
She continued...
“I see people preaching Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean diet, macros, calories, HIIT exercise, low carb, high fat, etc...
And yet I hear every day from women who are following these diets, frustrated because they are not seeing the results they want over the long term.
The diet failure rate is almost 95%.
Today women do more diets and exercise than ever before, yet we STILL are getting fatter and sicker as a group than ever before.
This proves we need MORE THAN diet and exercise.
Of course you aren't going to lose the fat you want and keep it off if you do not deal with the root cause of it.
As a woman, you have hormones, and they are the root cause of weight gain and weight loss.
If you aren't addressing this key hormone piece, you are missing a KEY piece of the puzzle, and maybe the # 1 most important piece!”
Dr. Sara Gottfried,* * * M.D., the Harvard-educated physician and New York Times bestselling author says the real key to losing your unwanted belly fat and gaining energy lies with your hormones.
It’s the reason you have trouble losing weight...
Diet and exercise can only go so far.
If you get this part wrong, you will fail on any weight loss effort you try.
It is more important than calories, carbs, exercise or good fats.
And yet – the diet industry hopes you will NEVER discover this, because when you do, you will no longer have a weight loss problem.
Which is criminal...
Because as you are about to see...
Dr. Gottfried* * * discovered the calorie-in/calorie-out hypothesis has been widely disproven and remains the greatest misconception people have about diet and weight loss.
She said,
“Women always tell me they go to their doctor, who smugly tell them weight loss is just simple math – that all it takes is to “eat less and exercise more.” ”
Can I make a confession to you?
When I first heard this, I got very angry.
Because me and millions of women are made to feel bad by the common misperception that they just need more self-control when it comes to weight loss.
But this has now been PROVEN 100% WRONG by thousands of women and studies published by Harvard University* *.
Calories matter, more to some people than others, but hormones matter more.
After digging into all the research, and from her actual experience with thousands of female patients in trying to lose weight...
It is clear that women over 35 who have a hard time losing weight have what I call...
Your hormone changes are to blame; not you.
To prove this, look no further than the giant food corporations who make the food you eat.
They pump food full of additives and preservatives.
These add even more estrogen to your female body and this hijacks your hormones...
So it’s nearly impossible to lose weight unless you reverse this.
This is why obesity rates have more than tripled in the past fifty years2, according to the U.S. Government.
It’s not your willpower; it's the evil giant food corporations that are to blame.
Your hormones and especially your estrogen have been skyrocketed by these giant food corporations.
They are to blame for our private suffering, food addiction, binge-eating and overeating.
Almost every woman over 35 who struggles with weight also battles a hormone imbalance.
It amazes me how easy weight loss becomes once hormones are back in their sweet spot.
Most diets don’t work for women...
Because they fail to address the hormonal root causes that are the most common reasons for weight loss resistance, like estrogen dominance.
And here’s another dirty little fact the weight loss industry will NEVER tell you...
The stress brought on by extreme diet and exercise can undermine your weight loss hormone estrogen entirely—and actually cause you to gain weight.
I was sick to my stomach when I heard this, but in my gut I knew it was true.
The last thing this sweet woman told me over coffee that she learned in Japan is very important...
As you age as a woman – your body adjusts by increasingly raising your hormone levels and ultimately slowing down your metabolism.
And a slower metabolism leads to weight gain and difficulty losing weight.
To speed up your metabolism and lose weight, the Japanese doctor proved you have to lower the level of estrogen in your body.
LIke thousands of other women have found, it works like magic.
When I did this...
It was like someone ran a fat-sucking vacuum cleaner all around my body…
Because pound after pound of my ugly fat came off my body day after day automatically.
And these exciting weight loss changes will be happening TO YOUR BODY too starting within one week.
You see, the doctor in Japan made it real simple to know how to lose weight...
Just reduce the level of estrogen in your body.
Estrogen dominance is when you have too much estrogen compared with its counter-hormone, progesterone.
Having too much estrogen in the body causes a number of symptoms, including weight loss resistance hormonal syndrome.
And the easiest, fastest, safest and best way to do this is by taking an ancient natural supplement that millions of women in Japan have been taking for over 2,000 years.
And you know how much weight you will lose by doing this!
This is a phytonutrient compound found in certain cruciferous vegetables.
It supports the activity of enzymes that overcome and reverse your estrogen dominance and this makes your weight loss faster, easier, and automatic.
DIM reduces 2-hydroxyestrone and 2-hydroxyestradiol, so that you have more good estrogens and fewer bad estrogens.
It also suppresses adipogenesis, which is the formation of new fat cells.
It also stimulates burning the fat cells you have, and the fat you eat.4
Healthline published a clinical study5 showing it significantly reduced the formation of new fat cells.
Nutrition Journal published a study6 also.
It showed subjects who took the precursor I3C showed a decrease in body weight and fat accumulation even when consuming a high-fat diet.
There are many horror stories from women using hormone replacement therapy in hopes of losing weight.
The latest horror story, from researchers in the UK, has found that women taking HRT are more likely to develop and die from ovarian cancer.
A study published earlier and in all major media announced women were getting breast cancer because of HRT.
“I miss what I used to be like,” one woman said.
Many women say coming off HRT aged them 10 years.
“What about eating massive quantities of cruciferous vegetables?” you ask.
Sure, you could up to 16 pounds of broccoli and cabbage to get the researched dose of this Japanese super nutrient every day, but there’s a catch.
These veggies also contain goitrogenic compounds – compounds that mess with your thyroid if you eat too much of them from too many vegetables.
If you have potential thyroid problems, and all women do, you have to pay attention to goitrogens.
That's because too much of this compound can give you too much estrogen.
You don’t want to eat piles of these vegetables.
That's why if you take this in powder form instead, you avoid those extra compounds and the resulting thyroid pitfalls.
Make sense?
This wise old female Japanese doctor said the best solution was to use a tasteless powder mix that contained this nutrient, called...
That’s because I had my hopes up for some many other weight loss products before that didn’t work for me…
But I decided to give it a try because it came with a 100% money-back guarantee, so there was nothing to lose by trying it.
And guess what happened?
The first day, I mixed a scoopful into my morning glass of water and drank it.
It was tasteless but when I got on the scale the next morning 24 hours later...
I had NOT lost any weight.
Same thing the second day – no weight loss.
I was saddened, thinking this was not going to work for me.
But on the third morning when stepped on the scale...
It showed I had lost 4 pounds!
And that was just the start, because I’ve gone on to lose 76 pounds quite easily with no crazy diet or exercise or giving up my favorite foods.
And I’m Italian – so I LOVE to eat bread and sweets!
I was more generous and patient with my kids.
I wanted to go to yoga at night instead of the wine bar.
And I had more energy for bigger things.
I had a new life, a second chance.
I got off my meds over the next seven months.
I was so excited, I just had to share this discovery with my family and friends!
Well, this got me even more excited because every single one of them lost weight by the truckload.
Jenny dropped 44 or 54 pounds (I can’t remember which), Lisa lost 38 pounds and Theresa shed 62 pounds.* * * *
Theresa’s story is a real jaw-dropper.
Two years ago, Theresa got side-swiped by a pickup truck in a bad car accident.
Her injuries forced her to stay on bed rest on doctor’s orders for over a year.
During that time, her weight climbed from 138 pounds to 212 pounds.
“I was eating cake and cookies all the time because of depression, and I was not allowed to get out of bed so my metabolism completely shut down,”
Theresa told me.
When she finally got off her bed rest, she couldn't lose weight.
She tried diet after diet.
She worked out for 2 hours a day. But nothing could stop her sugar and carb cravings or burn off her fat.
Theresa* * * * * even tried the “latest and greatest prescription diet pill.”
But all that did was give her terrible heartburn and constipation.
Then she heard about MetaLean Complete™ and started taking it – and went on to lose 62 pounds in just six months.
It is weight loss results like this from Theresa* * * * *, me, and other frustrated dieters why I agreed to share my embarrassing story with the world.
I want everyone to know there is a safe and effective answer to their weight loss prayers.
MetaLean Complete™ is a “berry-flavored” powder mix that contains 12 all-natural nutrients shown to make your body lose weight.
In addition to the Japanese Secret nutrient, it also contains chromium, as well as several ingredient blends that will help you:
Each scoop of MetaLean Complete™ contains all of the following powerful blends of nutrients:
The two superstar nutrients are the Japanese secret I’ve told you about and also Chromium.
Chromium is a trace mineral that has been shown to enhance the action of insulin, a hormone critical to the metabolism and storage of carbohydrate, fat, and protein in the body.7
Several randomized controlled trials have demonstrated the benefit from chromium supplementation for the improvement of insulin sensitivity over time.8
Other clinical studies have demonstrated chromium may decrease total body fat percentage while increasing lean body mass.9 10
The Lipid Support Blend helps lower your cholesterol.
It consists of cinnamon bark 20:1 extract, inulin, and Sunfiber®.
In a meta-analysis of clinical trials, cinnamon extract lowered total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglycerides.10
This special blend helps reduce your blood sugar levels – and the fatigue, nerve numbness, burning, tingling and toenail fungus that it causes.
It includes the plants extracts Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract, green tea leaf extract, green coffee bean extract, Garcinia cambogia rind extract, Momordica charantia extract, and diindolylmethane.
Clinical evidence has demonstrated these 100% natural nutrients may reduce blood sugar levels in healthy adults and patients with diabetes.11
This special blend of nutrients helps lower your blood pressure levels.
This can help prevent you from having a heart attack or having serious heart problems.
It includes organic Allium sativum and
alpha-lipoic acid.
Several clinical trials have demonstrated taking this can modestly reduce blood pressure in hypertensive and normotensive adults.12
Similarly, alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant naturally produced in the body, has shown to normalize blood pressure over a 2-year study period.13
So when you take MetaLean Complete™, not only will you lose your fat faster and easier than ever before and keep it off...
This same product will ALSO be working in your body to help you:
Monica Troyan, 47, started taking this when she was 5’3 and weighed 207 pounds.
Monica told me,
“I had a good career and a great job at Chase, but I had to quit because my weight made me too embarrassed to be with co-workers and clients.”
Monica was close to spending $18,245.00 on Lap Band Surgery, but in a last-ditch effort before that...
She ordered MetaLean Complete™ and ended up not needing this expensive and potentially dangerous surgery.
Thank goodness because the published side effects include nausea and vomiting, ulceration at the band site, esophageal reflux, weight regain, and dehydration.
Instead, Monica lost 55 pounds with this natural powder mix, and has kept it off.
She also lowered her blood sugar A1C level and blood pressure numbers.
To keep the price down as low as possible for you...
This is NOT sold on any other website or in any store because their additional profit price
mark-up would make it a lot more expensive for you.
You cannot get it on Amazon or in ANY store – it is only available from this announcement.
The best part is, it’s super affordable.
I’m talking less than half the cost of what you probably think it will cost!
If you decide NOT to try MetaLean Complete™, please realize that without the nutrients in this to overcome your Weight Loss Resistance Hormonal Syndrome (WLRHS)...
Your body will NOT have the hormonal change it needs for you to burn off fat faster and easier and keep it off.
You can eat like a bird and work out like a professional athlete...
But without these nutrients your body won’t have the hormonal state needed to make and keep you slim.
But now, with this discovery, you don’t have to struggle anymore.
So by now, you are probably wondering:
How do I get my own supply right away?
And you might also be wondering…
How much should I take each day?
The truth is that there are only limited supplies available and that’s not a marketing gimmick or anything like that…
It's God's honest truth.
You see, MetaLean Complete™ is made in a GMP-certified facility.
This is the highest-quality government-certified facility for product quality and safety.
And each batch is tested by an independent third-party laboratory.
To ensure that what's seen on the jar is what's found on the inside.
It contains NO GMOs, gluten, sugar, starch, salt, wheat, corn, yeast, soy derivatives, lactose, colors, or dyes.
The nutrients in this cutting-edge product are neither cheap nor easy to find...
Since many of these ingredients come from the other side of the world.
What’s more, the growing popularity is putting a serious strain on production and thousands of Americans and people around the world are quickly catching on to this brilliant breakthrough.
Which means temporary Sell-Outs and Out-of-Stocks are not uncommon.
In addition...
Which makes it even more difficult to keep in stock.
With that being said though…
I also don’t want anyone else to continue to suffer from the frustration of being overweight, high blood sugar, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Because I know firsthand how it can make every day feel like a struggle.
And especially now when this natural solution MetaLean Complete™ will quickly have you dropping that ugly fat from your belly, arms, thighs and your problem spots.
And all this in a drug-free product which you cannot get addicted to and that has no side effects.
Which is why in just a moment…
I’m going to share how to get a supply of MetaLean Complete™ today at a huge discount savings...
As part of the company’s “Lose Weight For Health” campaign.
But before I do that, let me return to that second question:
How much should you take every day?
This is actually pretty straightforward…
Just mix 1 scoop once a day with 8oz of water and drink it. It has a slight berry taste that a lot of our customers absolutely love.
And that’s literally all it takes!
And the longer you use it, the more the nutrients build up in your body which makes it even more effective.
So that’s why I recommend you take MetaLean Complete™ for at least 30 days, and ideally for longer.
And don’t just take my word for it…
Olivia Handrich’s experience is a typical example.
The first day Olivia took it, she slept better, but lost no weight.
But then each week she lost more and more weight because the nutrients were building up in her body.
She was overjoyed with the results.
And so of course, she kept taking MetaLean Complete™ faithfully every morning.
Starting the second month...
Her fat was falling off FAST, so much so that she called the company’s office with her excitement.
And in the third month, Olivia was still shedding ugly fat rapidly, where she lost 82 pounds in all...
But she also noticed her energy increased, her cravings for sugar and carbs at night were almost gone.
And when Olivia went to her annual physical, Olivia’s doctor seemed stunned when she told her these results:
It’s for all of these reasons that I personally recommend choosing at least 3 jars (that’s a 90-Day Supply)…
Or 6 jars (that’s a 180-Day Supply) for an even bigger savings and so you don’t run out or risk us being out of stock.
Now, I want you to know this product is NOT available on Amazon or any other website.
It is only available on this website.
Now here’s the huge discount savings...
Normally MetaLean Complete™ retails for $149 for a 1-month supply.
And when you consider how much a new slim and sexier body is worth to you...
How much many hours of extra newfound time to get things accomplished each day or just have fun is worth to you...
And how many thousands of dollars you’ll save in healthcare costs, this $99 for a 1-month supply would be a fair price.
But right now and through this website only…
Unlike some conventional solutions...
It is NOT a stimulant that will speed up your heart rate and could be dangerous.
Which is a huge relief to so many customers.
Because they love knowing they don’t have to fear long-term health disasters.
Plus, on top of all of that…
MetaLean Complete™ doesn’t come with the nasty side effects that's found in so much of modern medicine.
Which is absolutely HUGE!
When considering all of that… $99 for MetaLean Complete™ would be a really fair deal.
Plus, there’s all the benefits money can’t buy… like:
Thinking of all of this… $99 for a month's supply seems like a steal to me.
Yet despite all of that…
I’ve made sure you won’t pay anywhere close to $99 for this today.
That’s because like I said before…
I want to help as many people as possible and the team behind the natural supplement that is sweeping the world couldn’t agree more.
Which is why when you order right now…
You will get your very own supply of MetaLean Complete™ for a one-time investment of just $59 for a 1-month supply which is a savings of $40 a month off the regular $99 price!
And the fact that there really are limited supplies available…
I can understand why they’d want to stock up on 3 or 6 jars today.
It’s for this reason that our team has created a substantially discounted
multi-jar plan where folks can stock up and save big on 6 jars today...
For just $39 per jar which is a savings of $360 when you order right now.
But this special discount is only being guaranteed today only through this website and as part of the MetaLean Complete™ “Lose Weight For Health” campaign.
And today only, we are going to give you FREE SHIPPING AND HANDLING which is a $14.95 value.
But both the discount and the free shipping are for today only and only while supplies last.
After choosing a package…
You will be redirected to a 100% Secure and Encrypted Checkout Page where there’s a simple order form to fill out.
This order page uses the same highest level of security that Amazon and the biggest banks use so you don’t have to worry about security or using your credit card.
And after that…
Your order of MetaLean Complete™ will be shipped to you.
And will arrive within 5 business days from now.
(Or 10 to 14 days for international orders.)
This is a one-time-only payment.
There are no hidden charges or fees, no automatic re-billing later and no subscription fees.
So looking at the facts…
Because it will slash off your excess body fat like it has for thousands of people just like you...
And get you down to your ideal goal weight.
So that you will start living your best life again.
The life that you were MEANT to be living.
A single jar of MetaLean Complete™ puts you on the path to the life you want naturally.
Three jars guarantee you can keep taking it daily without interruption.
And with 6 jars… you will be taking the best step to set yourself up to enjoy your ultimate life for many years to come.
This is the ultimate life-hack and time-saver for smart people who want to lose weight and improve their health naturally!
Now you won’t have to weigh your food, eat bland tasteless yucky foods, go to the gym and spend hours of time you don’t have or take prescription drugs that have side effects!
And now you won’t plateau and stop losing weight anymore.
You will bust through your plateau and keep losing weight because now you will be fixing the root cause of your excess body weight.
At Simple Promise™, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us. Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you’re 100% satisfied, or your money back. You can place your order safely knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong.
Give MetaLean Complete™ a try and see the difference it brings to your life. If at any time you are not happy with MetaLean Complete™, just send back your empty bottles and we will refund you immediately. No questions asked. We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.
Here’s how it works…
Right now just place your order and when you do, you are just saying “maybe” to MetaLean Complete™.
Then once you get your jars in a few short days from now…
Start taking it and watch how fast the ugly fat just melts off your stomach, thighs, arms and chin.
If you’re like the other loyal customers…
You will fall in love with what MetaLean Complete™ does for your body every day!
But there is ZERO risk to you because of our guarantee.
If for some reason MetaLean Complete™ isn’t working great for you...
Just email or call the award-winning, U.S.-Based Customer Service Team at 1800-259-9522.
They are available 24/7 and they’ll send a full refund to you immediately.
You won’t be out a single dime.
No questions. No hassles.
Could anything be more fair?
This means there’s no downside at all to you...
It’s a 100% risk-free investment that comes with lots of guaranteed benefits for you.
And there’s a full 365 days to see if MetaLean Complete™ is right for you or not (that is an entire year).
So go ahead, click and try this natural product risk-free now... and choose from one of the package options below.
You’ve seen overwhelming proof from Harvard University* * and other leading experts that in order to easier lose weight for good...
You must overcome your Weight Loss Resistance Hormonal Syndrome...
So now it’s time to make a decision.
Please don’t ignore everything I’ve said and all the proof you’ve seen...
And continue to be a slave of dieting and exercising.
And start getting your female weight control hormones working FOR you instead of AGAINST you like they are now.
You will soon have NO MORE “mommy tummy” or “double chin”...
But if you put this off, your weight will not drop and it’s obvious that something must change here.
Because a life with fatigue and frustration and being overweight...
Where you are always worried about the next time you have to step on the scale, and the next doctor’s visit, and what it will mean…
Well that’s no life at all.
Especially now that I’ve shared my story with you and told you how MetaLean Complete™ will give you the body of your dreams…
Give you the energy level you want and deserve…
And give you the health you want to make your dreams come true.
It’s a very smart decision because your investment is protected by a 365-Day Money-back Guarantee, which means there’s absolutely no risk.
So break free of frustration and choose a package right now…
And start living a better life.
Where you no longer “hate” your body, but actually love your new slim and sexier figure…
And feel more confident whenever you are around other people.
YES! I want to start taking charge of my health by securing my supply of MetaLean Complete™ right now.
That means you probably have a question I can answer. So here are a few of the most common questions I get – and my answers to them.
MetaLean Complete™ has been taken by thousands of folks with no reported side effects.
Unlike toxic medications, everything inside MetaLean Complete™ is natural.
You might experience some nights where you don’t want to go to sleep when your energy levels soar through the roof.
And you might have friends pestering you and asking what you’ve been up to to look so good… but we trust those are minor annoyances.
It does this by using a natural nutrient used in Japan for over 2,000 years to overcome the Weight Loss Resistance Hormonal Syndrome (WLRHS) that makes and keeps mature women overweight.
It is for any woman over age 35 who wants to lose weight faster, easier, and keep it off for good with NO crazy restrictive diet or exercise routine.
It does this by using a natural nutrient used in Japan for over 2,000 years to overcome the Weight Loss Resistance Hormonal Syndrome (WLRHS) that makes and keeps mature women overweight.
Harvard University* *, other leading experts, and thousands of women are proof this new discovery works.
Even for women who have failed on diet after diet and pill after pill and program after program for 10, 20 and even 30 years because this startling new discovery is completely different than anything else.
MetaLean Complete™ is NOT like any other weight loss product you have ever tried.
It is the only drink mix with its unique formulation, designed to overcome your estrogen dominance and other hormonal imbalances, that has proven effective for Japanese women for thousands of years.
Because it has already proven so effective, it is sweeping the world, and this has attracted “copycat products” that are trying to make a fast buck off it.
Please do not accept imitator products that claim to do what this does – this is the original and only.
The ingredients in MetaLean Complete™ are backed by clinical studies that prove their effectiveness.
Bad genetics don’t matter.
Previous diet failures don’t matter even if you’d failed on 10, 20 or 30 diets before.
That’s because these other diets never had a chance of working because your body never overcame the female hormonal root cause this product addresses.
No. You risk nothing.
You will receive a 100% full and immediate refund 100% full and immediate refund of every dime you paid if you are not thrilled with the benefits you get from MetaLean Complete™.
You have an iron-clad 365-day money-back guarantee with no restrictions or fine print.
But you must click on the button to order TODAY to get the special “today only” low prices.
While results will differ from individual to individual, it is possible that you encounter massive fat loss.
When that happens, you want to make sure you hydrate.
Drink water and keep your body hydrated so it facilitates the removal of unused body fat.
If you find you’re losing more than a pound a day, it might be time to taper back the dose a bit.
We wanted to be in charge and in control of the entire supply-chain process.
So as to ensure that we have quality control from beginning to end.
Because of that we do not allow other wholesalers or companies to sell MetaLean Complete™.
We understand that there might be knock-off cheaper versions of our product sold elsewhere.
You will want to refrain from buying from non-authorized sellers as we cannot confirm the authenticity of their product.
You can only get MetaLean Complete™ with us on this website.
That’s easy.
Just mix 1 scoop once a day with 8oz of water and drink it.
It has a slight berry taste that a lot of our customers absolutely love.
So, even the busiest person can handle this.
Compare that to trying to exercise an extra hour a day?
Or cook special meals all the time?
MetaLean Complete™ saves you so much time.
AND it works.
We are unable to guarantee today's pricing beyond today.
Our pricing often changes due to the constantly changing prices of the high-quality, exotic ingredients used in MetaLean Complete™ as well as supply and demand.
To guarantee our lowest pricing, be sure to secure your order today.
Go ahead and click the button below and pick from three money-saving options.
Remember, you’re fully protected by our 365-day guarantee and you’ll love how it makes you feel.
If you don’t notice a rapid and powerful awakening of your body, just give us a call or send us an email and we’ll refund your purchase in full.
Just send the jars back, even if they’re empty.
You really have nothing to lose, and a healthy, enjoyable, and your old thinner, leaner, healthier body to gain.
You’ re going to love the way you look and feel.
Make it a great day, a MetaLean Complete™ day.
[] Nutrition, 11 Apr;27(4):463-70. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2010.09.006
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